Do you progress in every session or have you hit a stumbling block?
Sometimes we are responsible for blocking ourselves and don´t allow ourselves to be better. Here’s how to progress faster and with ease.
We, especially women, can be guilty of putting ourselves down and not believing in ourselves, even if everybody else around us does. We think that this trick is not for us.
Before we even try, we’ve made up the excuses for why we wouldnt be able to do it. The only reason ‘they’ are able to do it is because... “they train every day/ they used to do gymnastics/they are more physical/they are younger...“ and we step away from the idea, that we could do it as well.
GIVE IT A TRY in your mind first!
You never know! Maybe the trick just looks difficult and it isn´t. GIVE IT A TRY in your mind first! Maybe you just need to talk to somebody who can explain the technique to you. Maybe it just needs time and practice and dedication.
Trust me, the feeling of unlocking our mind and switching from ‘I can’t’ to ‘I can’ is powerful 😊
Watch others
Once you’ve decided you want to master a new trick, get inspired first. Watch other kiter´s techniques, watch their hands, head, and legs separately. You can watch them from the beach or on videos.
Ask people at the beach for some basic advice. Don´t be shy – you will be surprised how helpful the community is.
Realize your mistakes and change them before your muscle memory kicks in and they become bad habits.
Watch yourself
If you get the chance, ask a friend to film you. If not, film yourself. The outcome is mind-blowing. Quite often, we have got a feeling that we are doing something one way but in the reality, we do it completely differently.
Being able to watch yourself, will help you to realise your mistakes and change them before your muscle memory kicks in and they become bad habits.
Be persistent and dedicated to learning new tricks yet still be nice to yourself. Be able to laugh at yourself. It´s just kiting! We want to feel great about ourselves at the end of our session. There is no need to put yourself down and stop having fun while learning.
Cut out the ego and the negative voice in your head which says that you look ridiculous and everyone will be laughing at you. Worrying about what others think, kills our progress and doesn´t allow you to step out of your comfort zone. Cut out the negativity - learn the trick- look funny for a while - master it!😊
There is no need to put yourself down and stop having fun while learning.
Have you ever felt like you’ve finally mastered it, your progressing fast and started to jump like you´ve never jumped before?
And then… the next day, you are ready to rock n´roll and continue in your superwoman mood and nothing works as you expected?
Relax! Every day is different. Not just the wind, waves and conditions, but also our mood, energy and strength.
Appreciate it. Be grateful
Appreciate it. Be grateful for being able to kite, in an amazing place and having free time to do what you love. Don´t beat yourself up. Accept it and try to just enjoy the freeride, yourself and the beauty of nature.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about kite gear, kite trips or kite life in general: / @bigblue.boards